
Recent news and thoughts from fpmusic Surrey


Thursday, July 14, 2022 by Frances Philpot | Uncategorized

fpmusic SUMMER CHALLENGES ~ 20 ideas to keep up interest and explore your piano playing!


Stay friends with your piano – make sure you say hello and spend time together every week of the holidays!

Be creative with your favourite pieces - play Hands Together an octave apart, then in all the different octaves

Try transposing a piece - start in a different position then play it so it still 'sounds right' - you may have to explore using some black keys...

Try new pieces independently (ask me if you would like some suggestions for suitable pieces)

How many consecutive days can you play?

How many different people can you play the piano to?

How many pieces can you still play from Piano Safari Unit ...?

What would happen ifI play this with both hands/ I swap ta rhythms for ti-ti or twoo for ta ta etc

How would you play this piece if you changed its name? How else could you change this piece?

Rhythm Swing app - ideal for anyone who can read rhythms ta, ti-ti, twoo

Flashnote Derby/ Noteworks apps - ideal for anyone who is in PS Book 2 upwards

Book some summer holiday piano lessons

How many pages of your theory book can you complete?

Create videos of you playing all your favourite pieces – then organise your video library 

Create your own piece to play - use patterns of notes or a beautiful phrase that inspires you

Create a demonstration video to teach someone how to play one of your pieces

Listen to piano music by famous composers ~ Beethoven, Chopin, Mozart, Gershwin, Pam Wedgwood, June Armstrong, Ben Crosland

Listen to lots of performances of the same famous piece – which do you prefer and why?

Go to a live piano concert

Enjoy looking back at videos of you playing a term or a year ago – see how far you have come!


fpmusic ~ building firm foundations for music for life 

~ developing deep musicianship skills

~ inspiring confidence 

~ nurturing the aspiring pianist

Email me to find out more